
3 Reasons to be Publishing Articles on LinkedIn

3 Reasons to be Publishing Articles on LinkedIn

In today’s digital age, being part of a growing professional network like LinkedIn can provide you with endless opportunities for growth. Whether you are speaking from a business or personal perspective, publishing on LinkedIn provides more value to connections who view your profile.


  1. LinkedIn is about relationship building

Building connections on the platform is one of the driving factors that makes LinkedIn so successful. With that said, by creating content you are stimulating conversations that involve a community of professionals. The ability to draw people together about topics you are passionate about is truly satisfying.


  1. Publishing content can position you as an Industry expert

Posting regular, value content can create trust with your connections that helps strengthen your image in your field. It is important to write about topics that you know and are passionate about to be an authentic thought provider. Your connections will be able to learn and grow from your experiences.


  1. Increasing your reach

Every time your connections engage with your posts (likes, comments, shares), it becomes visible to their first-degree connections. Maximising your reach broadens the amount of people that view your post and allows you to connect with more people that have the same interests as you!


With over 500 million people utilising LinkedIn, it can be easy to blend in with the crowd. That’s why consistently publishing articles on LinkedIn can help guide you to achieving success on LinkedIn. Whether you are building a business or your personal profile, we welcome you to come have a chat with us to discuss some of the ways to up your LinkedIn game.

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