Is it too soon to talk 2017? While most of us are in the headspace of the countdown to Christmas, and imagining those cocktails by the pool, or jumping on a plane to somewhere peaceful (or just working super hard to get through Christmas and maximise trade) – it could actually be the perfect time to start reflecting and setting up your goals for 2017.
There’s a great quote about learning, which goes something like “We don’t learn by doing, we learn by reflecting on what we did.”
By analysing key performance indicators now you can set you up for success in 2017. Here are 5 quick, easy – but important, indicators you can measure are:
1. SEO ranking versus key competitors
Create an excel spreadsheet and note 5 Keywords you want to track. Do a search now and note what page you rank. Do the same for key competitors. This can help you take stock of where you are now, and put plans in place to improve in 2017.
2. Website Bounce Rate
Check your analytics data, and run a report that shows your website bounce rate by month. Has your bounce rate got better or worse? If it has stayed the same – is it acceptable? Remember the lower the bounce rate, indicates the more time people are staying on your site.
3. Number of Web Enquiries
Analyse the number of web enquiries by month, or as a total for the year. Is the total lower than you want? Try to set some goals around your website to optimise it and maximise conversion.
4. Sales by Month
Looking at your sales by month is a great way to track your success over the year, but can also help you understand your customers buying cycle or seasonality of your offer. This can help you better plan resourcing and marketing for the year ahead.
5. Social Media Growth
It is a great to record your social media follower numbers and engagement rates by channel to track these over time. If you haven’t done this historically, why not start now! At this time next year you will have some great data. For Facebook users, analyse your organic reach by post type, to make decisions about what types of post work best with your audience and how you can leverage that in the year ahead.
2017 is going to be a great year, setting the right foundations now and getting yourself focussed on results will strengthen everything you do.