
6 Ways to Optimise your website with SEO Keywords

6 Ways to Optimise your website with SEO Keywords

Completing SEO research is crucial for any business’ website, and should be conducted when you first develop the site. If your business can’t be found when people search for you, then one of your key objectives for having a website is not being met.

A though out SEO strategy is critical so that when people search Google for terms relevant to your business, your business has the opportunity to be displayed in the search results, allowing consumers to actively employ your services or buy your product.

If you’ve read any of the thousands of SEO related article, we assume you already knew that! And hopefully you’ve gone ahead and completed research creating a list of the top 10 focus keywords relevant for your business. That’s great, but do you know what to do with these keywords now that you have them?

It is important that you effectively implement focus keywords across your site for maximum benefit! We believe there are 6 key places these keywords need to appear in order for them to have a positive affect on your search ranking.

1. Title Tag & Meta Description

Your Title Tag and Meta Data Descriptions are key players in Google’s ranking system. A Title Tag has a character limit of 60 characters, whilst a Meta Data Description has a character limit of 160. It is important that you utilize every single character space by creating descriptions that are keyword rich.

You do not need to worry too much about grammar or punctuation when creating these titles, what is important is that you implement your keywords.

2. First 100 Words

Whilst it is important that you don’t overfill your home page with text, you still need a concise snippet of text that contains your focus keywords.

Create a short paragraph that you can insert onto your home page that contains the majority of your focus keywords. It doesn’t have to be loud and proud and take up a large portion of your homepage, it could even be placed at the bottom of the page. What is most important is that it is on there… somewhere!

3. H1 or H2 Headings

H1 and H2 heading tags are used by Google to determine what content your page contains. For this reason, using your keywords as headings across your website will help you win big in the game of SEO!

Now this doesn’t mean that you have to create long, random headings for your pages. It could be as simple as using the heading “Tea Blending Services” on your services page instead of just “Services”.

4. URL/Permalinks

When considering important aspects of the SEO of any site, the permalink plays a major role in overall optimization. When creating a URL or permalink we would argue that the more readable by human beings the better!

We feel like this image sums it up in a nutshell, our only addition is that the words used be your focus keywords!


5. Image Filenames

It is easy to upload your image with the file name 5h4m6jd8gjdnus8d.jpeg, however, this is a big SEO no no. Google will look at the file name and Alt Descriptions of any media you upload onto your site.

Using keywords in your file names, or simply accurately naming your media will allow for your content to rank on google. So when you upload the awesome picture you took for your blog post discussing the benefits of herbal tea, don’t call your image “my-amazing-shot.jpeg”, instead call it “tea-blending-skills-blog.jpeg”.

6. Alt Tags

With image Alt Tags/Descriptions you have the ability to create a bit more of a description for the image, think a short sentence that links to not only the image itself, but also the content surrounding it.

If your website is created in WordPress it is super simply to add your Alt Tag when uploading your file. Whilst it may seem like a bit of a stretch, especially when you are low on time, it can have a positive impact on your website, helping pages other than the homepage, such as your services page or blog, to index on Google.

If you know your keywords get cracking! If you are unsure what they need to be, we offer a SEO Optimisation package for $400 where we do the research for you! We’ll even write your Title Tag, Meta Data and homepage summary text!




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