
Christmas and New Years Marketing

Christmas and New Years Marketing

The holidays are just around the corner, hooray! Or boohoo?

It’s peak season for anything sales-related which means high stress, high competition, super busy or… super quiet?!

We wish for our fellow small business owners to thrive this festive season, instead of getting overwhelmed or disappointed. So here are our 6 tips to make your Holiday Marketing efforts worthwhile and successful!

1. Run Facebook Ads – With hyper-focus on your locals.

Locals know best – which means you know your local demographics and even their consumer behaviours! Jot this down and create Facebook Ads campaigns that target your local audience.

The more detailed and targeted your Facebook Ads audience, the more value you have per dollar you spend on those Ads. Your Ads will be shown to those who NEED your product or service, reaching potential buyers that match your ideal client profile.

2. Have a clear, simple offer on your Social Media & Ads.

Consumers, including yourself, will be flooded with Ads – which means more noise for you to cut through. The last thing you want is for all your hard work to be ignored, or even worse, be confusing or annoying.

Show value to your consumers with a punchy message and a clear offer. For example:

*Graphic design with Fashion Model in Christmas theme*
“Christmas Sale 20% off site-wide until the 24th December 2019”

See how simple that is? It has all the information we as consumers need:
• What are you selling?
• Where are you selling?
• What is the offer?
• When does the offer end?

Any more information may become too complicated. Make sure the photo or graphics you use complement the message.

3. Have a social media presence? Go on Facebook Live.

Facebook Live is increasingly getting more engagement. Why? Because it’s less “staged” and interactive.

Plus, you can answer questions on the spot, showcase new products, talk about your sale, or let your customers know who the HUMAN is behind the brand they’re about to purchase from.

4. Reward and show off customer reviews and testimonials.

If you’ve got an amazing product, reach out to your customers and ask them to post or share the product on their Social Media!

Reward them by re-posting their content, tagging and saying thanks. You can go the extra mile and give incentives to your customers to post about your products possibly with a free gift or a discount.

People love to see credibility.

If you’ve got awesome reviews on Google, Facebook, on your website, Direct Messages, wherever you can find them, screen shot that and post about it! Show proof to the public how fantastic you are.

It is important to note, that if it’s a private message or an original photo/video from a customer, always ask for permission to post!

5. Re-marketing Ads.

If you’ve been running your Ads, and/or have a pixel installed to your website, make use of this!

Re-market your Ads and personalise them to really target this group of people. The re-marketed Ad should be differentiated from the original and push them further down the funnel to purchase. It’s more cost-effective to re-market and gives your potential a more immersive experience.

6. Start Early if not now.

Christmas is in a matter of days. Let your customers know that there will be an exciting Christmas offer coming soon. Create excitement and notify your followers what (and when!) exactly the sale will be!

When the sales period rolls around, really focus on getting those sales and making sure people aren’t leaving their shopping carts full and rather clicking ‘buy now’!

We strongly recommend setting up Ads to those who’ve got items sitting in their shopping cart! If they’re pondering about it, give them an irresistible offer.

If you need some support, give us a call or join us on our Facebook live! We are open to questions and dedicated to helping small businesses.

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