
Elements of a Digital Marketing Strategy

Elements of a Digital Marketing Strategy

A successful digital marketing strategy is one that accounts for a diverse range of factors. No two businesses are the same, so those marketing strategy templates you’ve found online simply won’t cut it. Businesses are unique in their own ways, and if marketing has even been considered, a digital marketing strategy should be a key first step.

At Wise Up Marketing, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses plan their digital strategy. Discover three of the most important factors to consider when building a digital marketing strategy for your business.

  1. Defining your ideal client

An ideal client can also be referred to as a target audience, or customer persona. Simply put – who is buying whatever your business sells?

Who is your product or services intended for – “Females in Australia”, or “People in Sydney” is too general. This will not be helpful when planning your digital marketing strategy.

To create the perfect ideal client, a business must genuinely understand their customer with a laser-focused insight. A few of the questions to answer about your customer are:

  • What do they do on their weekends?
  • What suburb/s do they live in?
  • Do they have young, old or no children?
  • What is their occupation?
  • What do they listen to, or read?
  • Do they travel?
  • What do they need from your solution
  • What do they want from your solution
  • What pain points can you solve
  • How can you make their life better

These are just examples, but the more you know about your customer the stronger ideal client profile you will be able to develop. It’s often best practice to create 4 various ideal clients.

  1. Identify relevant touch points

So, an ideal client profile/s has been created – what’s next?

Identify areas or “touch points” where your ideal client can be reached. A few of the questions to ask when planning this step include:

  • What is their choice of Social Media Platform?
  • Are they actively looking for your solution, or reactively engaging with your business?
  • Do they spend a lot of time in email?
  • Do they absorb traditional media such as television and radio?
  • What publications do they read, both physical and online?

After answering these questions, you will be able to map out where your customer is active. This will help in designing suitable campaigns for each marketing channel.

  1. Set your roadmap/calendar of activity

Now that you’ve established your ideal client and relevant touch points, what comes next? It’s time to make this insight actionable.

By creating a monthly, or quarterly calendar, you can begin to plan your digital activities. A calendar format creates an overview of campaigns, and allows for planning of timing and frequency of engagements.

Another vital element to add into your calendar is reporting. This should occur on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Reporting on performance is key to improvement on each touch point. Whether you report on an amount of revenue, website clicks or repurchases – always aim to move the needle of your desired metric.

When it comes to digital marketing, strategy plays a large role in achieving specific results for businesses. A digital strategy will grow and develop with a business, and is becoming more relevant as the world shifts online.

Is your business is looking to develop and implement a digital strategy to improve your online presence? Book a complimentary call with our Director, to begin the process to planning your digital marketing strategy.

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