
Your Christmas and Holiday Marketing Guide

Your Christmas and Holiday Marketing Guide

Christmas is quickly approaching, so it’s important to ensure that all the marketing to do’s get ticked off the checklist!  

According to Roy Morgan’s article, Australians are forecasted to spend approximately $63.9 billion in pre-Christmas sales from mid-November until Christmas Eve (24th Dec), anticipating high last-minute shopping. This is a 3% increase compared to last year when Australians spent $62 billion!  

So, what does this mean? This means that businesses need to be more organised this November across the major retail sales periods being Click Frenzy, Black Friday, and Cyber-Monday. All with the consumer expectation and demand for greater retail discount. To help you out, we have put together a Christmas and holiday marketing guide to ensure you are prepared across the upcoming holiday season.  

Gift Cards 

Gift cards make for the perfect seasonal boost in sales, particularly when offered online. In fact, selling gift cards through your website provides a wealth of benefits alongside any services you may already offer.  

What are some benefits of selling gift cards for your business online? 

  1. Availability 24/7 

One of the key benefits of selling gift cards online is that they can be purchased 24/7. This means shoppers or clients can use their phone for any purchase, no matter the time of day or where they are. This makes your gift cards easily accessible and increases the chances to make a purchase! 

  1. They are ideal for a loved one! 

Gift cards make for a wonderful present for a loved one, particularly in the lead up to Christmas. This means it is important to increase the visibility of gift cards wherever possible, such as your retail store or website. To increase visibility during the busy Christmas period for retailers, a button should clearly guide clients to your gift cards on your website.  

Roll Out Holiday Promotions and Discounts  

Rolling out holiday promotions and discounts is a smart way to attract customers, new and existing. Exclusive offers also help guarantee an increase in sales and revenue.  

Your business could choose to give away discount vouchers, promote a buy one get one free offer or provide free delivery service in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It is also important to produce exclusive offers for your most loyal customers to let them know how much you value them and to increase the likelihood of repeat purchases. 

Increase Your Newsletters 

As we get closer to Christmas, for most businesses it is the busiest time of the year. Each way you communicate with your customers is crucial in determining your sales and capturing your audience’s attention.  

Some helpful tips to include in your newsletters are: 

  1. Attention-grabbing subject line is crucial 

During the holiday period, people’s emails are getting bombarded with promo offers for Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year sales. Make sure your newsletter cuts through and stands out with an attention-grabbing subject line.  

  1. Keep it snappy 

Keep it short and sweet. You will lose the audience’s attention if you don’t! If you need to provide more content, link the newsletter articles back to your website/blog and provide a full copy there! Not only does it keep it short and to the point, but it pushes further traffic to your website and blog posts.  

  1. Include links and call to actions 

Make sure all images and buttons link to your website and relevant products. This will make it 10x easier for shoppers to buy a product or visit your website.  

Showcase Your Products Through Your Instagram Guides 

Instagram guides can be used to display your Christmas range, sales, products and/or services. If you are looking for a way to make your products more discoverable and shoppable on Instagram, creating a gift guide makes doing this effortless.  

Why should your business use Instagram Guides? According to Instagram, 81% of people use the app to research products and services, and with the ability to tag products, Instagram guides are easily shoppable (and shareable too). 

Read our Instagram Guides…Everything you need to know!  Here you can learn how to create a guide for your Instagram account just in time for Christmas.  

Offer Free Shipping and Express Delivery 

While shoppers may be looking to purchase earlier in the lead up to Christmas, the last-minute scramble is not a thing of the past. According to Australia Post report “the third week of December had the highest rate for express and next day delivery.”  

To leverage off this statistic, have express delivery as an option on your website. Your business can use this as a selling point in your ads to let customers know their purchase will arrive before Christmas.  

Continue Marketing After Christmas 

It’s not over when Christmas shopping stops!  

Now is the chance to turn all your new customers, those that you have acquired over Christmas into repeat buyers. Try sending a post-holiday deal or new year’s special to your holiday shoppers. This can help keep up the sales during January, which is usually a lower traffic period, due to the big spend in November/December.  


Christmas is exciting and busy for both the customer and the business owner, so let’s make it a less stressful one, and a more memorable one.  

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