Inner West Mums connects a range of small businesses to around 20,000 Mums based in the Inner West in Sydney.
Having been an active member of the Inner West Mums community, we were approached in 2013 to help with their existing website which had issues and had become quite outdated and clunky.
Inner West Mums connects a range of small businesses to around 20,000 Mums based in the Inner West in Sydney.
Having been an active member of the Inner West Mums community, we were approached in 2013 to help with their existing website which had issues and had become quite outdated and clunky.
We doubled the email database and grew Instagram following to 6.5k in just 2 years.
With no marketing direction in place the college was not taking advantage of latest digital opportunities and lacked a clear direction guiding their recruitment of students. Their marketing was heavy in tactical sales strategies like discounting and cold calling, with a limited focus on brand building, and awareness to conversion strategies. Mary-Anne was engaged in a Chief Marketing Officer role, to transform the brand marketing, digital marketing and provide team direction and mentoring.
As a true outsourced marketing partner, our support is broad, providing expertise and management.
Finding the best way to reach your target audience can be hard, but even more so when they’re located in a different region and speak a different language. We worked alongside the Charter Australia team, leveraging their cultural knowledge with our own industry experience to connect with the staff and students they were looking to support.
Working closely with founder Anita Vitanova, we developed strategies to grow the Business Directory, and create new monetising opportunities that would benefit the community looking to support local businesses.
We launched a new directory website that allowed for less manual work and created a stronger passive income model. It allowed businesses to list directly and be in control of their brand on the site, driving stronger satisfaction. As the marketing partner of Inner West Mums, we have worked to drive advertising sales, build events, nurture enquiries and support overall business development.
Now Inner West Mum generates a six-figure income from directory product sales – an amazing result!
Our strategies have helped to grow Instagram following to 6.5k in just 2 years, as well as double the email database which now sits around 15k in the same amount of time.
Instagram following growth in 2 years
Double the email database growth
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Let’s have a chat to explore how Wise Up Marketing can help you grow your business
the principle of “treating your business like our own” and we have created a flexible, accessible solution for start ups and SME’s who value a personal approach.